you sir are a god
Your parodying skills are quite epic indeed. A sequel of some sort would rock, but for now, I shall make do with this, for it is quite incredibly sweet. Oh the memories I've had with pokemon. Thank you again my kind sir.
you sir are a god
Your parodying skills are quite epic indeed. A sequel of some sort would rock, but for now, I shall make do with this, for it is quite incredibly sweet. Oh the memories I've had with pokemon. Thank you again my kind sir.
Yay, my child, there shall be no sequel, but don't lose faith. I have impregnated a woman with an original series, which shall be born in nine months time. There shall be many lulz then.
I was so confused...
That I had to laugh. Pretty random my man, keep up this level of spontaneity and you'll DEFINITELY succeed in newgrounds.
And in regards to what you said to roguetwo about 4 reviews down, I know how you feel, my artwork and such would be a lot better if I could sit at the computer longer than about 2 hours at a time focusing on work. Short attention spans, a curse some of us must bear :P
Haha thats what happens when you start playing with flash and mortal kombat sprites. Yeah haha guess I will have to learn to be patient =/
Like your classic anime fight scene...
And yet absolutely nowhere near. I loved it, as I do all your work, yours are some of the best animations on this site, as the reviewer below me commented, I too miss Angry Dog, but I can let it go knowing you have more stuff up your sleeve. You make me proud to be an Australian in the newgrounds community. Thank you good sir xD
thanks ElmoMadness
actually i've noticed there's quite a few australians on this site recently, though that's probably because i've made two films featuring Kevin Rudd.
I'd have to say amazing for a second flash
You really have potential to become an amazing animator. All you need to do as maybe add some backgrounds and definitely speed it up, in terms of frame rate, if you clean up the animation, you'll soar to new heights.
Thanks. I'll try my best.
Err...I'll try to make backgrounds on my third Flash and will get a suitable Speed.
I'll clean more on my Flash. =)
Thank You!!~~=D
Looks Great
If this was released on a website with an even larger fanbase, your game would attract much attention but even on newgrounds this game shows promise. Your trailer was superb, setting an eerie mood to the upcoming game and the music was perfectly suited to the scene.
As for the game itself, it looks to be a stunner. From what I have gathered, it seems to be a handheld version that has drawn inspiration from the immensely popular "Fallout 3" It has men in gasmasks(enclave and BoS), crazed people in masks (raiders), large cockroaches (radroaches) and dead civilians (dead civilians -.-") and to top it all off it's set in what seems to be a barren wasteland wherein a lone wanderer seems to be the hero. Nonetheless, if it's a carbon copy of Fallout or a completely original game, nobody will care, because from what I've seen, it's gonna be damn good.
Anyways, that wraps up my review, have a good day :]
P.S. Make it for DS >:D
Eheheh Funny how you dug out the resemblance , The game is actually a fast paced action platformer with alot of pixel gore and absurd wacky characters.
The cockroaches are from a gang of enemies named the Cucarachas. They all Grew up in disproportionate size in the hero's apartment .
The dudes in gas masks are the military ( THE HAMMERS ) paid mercenaries to take you out.
Tribal people you actually meet them in the jungle levels.
And there's much more aha.
Its the story of a man's journey to find a cure for its badassery.
The game is actually pretty colorful. The Trailer was made to emphasize on how Bad ass NAIL really is.
Like i say go to the link in the description and look at all the pages you'll see some actual game pictures and discussion.
P.S. if the game gets really popular we will be looking for a DS release. ;)
Knee > Doctor's Face
It's a law of nature. :D
somebody's been studying science
this is some of the best animation i have ever seen on newgrounds. it is graphically amazing, and how you managed to make it flow so smoothly with so many people astounds me. Bravo.
You're astounded? oooh... I astounded you. I haven't done that to anyone before... What should I do now?
the animation wasnt the greatest but it was pretty funny. Your choice of music brilliant.
Thank you! I am glad to appreciated it! I fail to figure out four-legged motion, but I'm certainly going to improve... if given the time...
I can haz a cupcaek?
Age 30, Male
Teh Pwn
Your Mum, Australia
Joined on 5/6/07